Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Let's see what damage I can do with this...

Its been a looong time since I've done blog entries. I'll try to keep up with this on a regular basis.

The basic purpose of this blog will be to post scribbles, rant about daily life, and interact with the public in regards to my prospective profession (art).

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Suppose I should give myself a proper introduction...:

My name is Jennifer Cook, age 24, born and raised in the southeast area of Texas. I've lived in northeast Indiana off and on for the sake of school for the past few years, so I suppose I have a bit of northerner in me. My major is computer graphics, with a specialization in illustration and conceptual work geared toward the animation and video game industries. Simply put, I love to draw, but it seems I never have enough time to do that as much as I'd like. I'm still in school, and I'm working my way through via the retail industry (much to my dismay). I'm like a thousand other artists in the world, trying to get my foot into the art industry through good ol' fashioned hard work. As I seek to improve my professional practices and overall skill, I'd much appreciate the constructive criticisms of the public (that's where you guys come in). Oh, and last but not least, I'm a Christian, of no particular denomination. I just feel that's an important bit of information to get out there...

I look forward to getting to know my fellow bloggers and making some good friends. Above you'll see a sample of my work. Thanks for stopping by, and I'll be back again soon...