Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mmm, Protoman.

So, more art to throw your way. This time its an unfinished piece. I'm starting to get the hang of digital painting. Its a shame I'm so slow/lazy.

This is a homage to The Protomen. Check them out, they're amazing.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I keep forgetting that today marks the anniversary of the WTC bombings... It just shows how out of it I am in terms of what day of the week or month it is. Normally that would make me feel like a horrible person, but it all seems like it was a bad dream. The survivors and families of the victims are still suffering, and its taking an eternity to reconstruct ground zero. Hopefully they'll have a decent shrine up soon...

Art Dump

What the title says. I have more to post later, but I'm getting sleepy... Enjoy.