Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Remember that one time?

When I said I'd do an art dump when I got home? I lied. But now I'll make good on it, slow coffee shop connection or no. So here we go:

Sketches from an art "war" in an IRC chat.
A practice in hair styling and textures.
Veser Amaker Hatch, from Hanna Is Not a Boy's name: http://hanna.aftertorque.com
Toni, also from Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name. I'll have her colored soon...
I'll have more to post... Eventually.

Friday, December 4, 2009

This place needs some style.

So I was thinking, its about time i dust off this journal and give it some sort of makeover. It really needs it... My site could really use some rearranging as well. I'm going to work on a few ideas for that tonight maybe. If i'm not too exhausted from head colds and fighting with annoying relatives.

Speaking of living with annoying relatives, I probably won't be staying where I am for much longer. I'm going to move up to Rhode Island sometime early in 2010 for school, which is only about an hour away from where my sister lives. I'd much rather have her for company than Mother's frustrating husband (the aforementioned annoying relative). My mom's a sweet woman, so she's not the problem. I just get sick of her psychotic, double talking "better half." It'll be nice to get away from that sort of living environment. Now if I could just get Mom to come with me, sans jerky husband.

I'll be posting a sketch dump later tonight. I was going to do that now, but I'm at a pretentious coffee shop with a super slow internet connection, so it'll have to wait...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mmm, Protoman.

So, more art to throw your way. This time its an unfinished piece. I'm starting to get the hang of digital painting. Its a shame I'm so slow/lazy.

This is a homage to The Protomen. Check them out, they're amazing.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I keep forgetting that today marks the anniversary of the WTC bombings... It just shows how out of it I am in terms of what day of the week or month it is. Normally that would make me feel like a horrible person, but it all seems like it was a bad dream. The survivors and families of the victims are still suffering, and its taking an eternity to reconstruct ground zero. Hopefully they'll have a decent shrine up soon...

Art Dump

What the title says. I have more to post later, but I'm getting sleepy... Enjoy.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

So much for keeping up...

Yeah, I didn't do a very good job of regular updates. Long story short: I've been busy with preparation for Fall semester. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Going to work on a few art related posts in the near future. I just discovered the joy of copic markers, so I want to play around with that.

Sorry for the silence, and I'll be back soon with something mildly interesting.